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Forking existing pod on GitHub and using fork in Swift workspace - steps?

I am missing something basic. I am comfortable with Cocoapods, podfiles, git but have just started both creating my own pods and properly forking and editing other pods (until now was happy to edit locally << i know: boo).

My issue is understanding steps needed after i fork Pod_A that was compiling in my workspace. My fork is Pod_B. I get the repo working on my own machine, both with SourceTree or git clone in Terminal. That is all good.

The part I am missing is the podspec or edits required to have me able to update the path to Pod_B within my podfile and carry on with the subsequent edits I want to formalize and integrate into my previously compiling workspace.

The pod install command after the fork is ready results in a "[!] No podspec found for Pod_B in myRepoLocation ..

Every example i find seems focused on a new project, or just getting the fork done. That is easy enough, but this last bit is just not quite right.

I have been searching for a while but to-date, have not found a seemingly proper example of this. Any help would be awesome!


  • Use one of the Podfile pod options to point to your podspec. See

    For example, :path to point to a local path or :git to specify a git location.