I have a grid layout with a fixed header and navbar and a scrollview for the page
<GridLayout rows="50, *, 50">
<StackLayout row="0">
// header
<ScrollView row="1">
// page
<StackLayout row="2">
// nav
I'm trying to float images over the scrollview (it's part of the header) and the images have transparency. I want the scrollview to be able to scroll while fixed images are over it.
I've tried absolute layouts, rows #s that are the same, everything.
What would be ideal would be to have a gridrow that has a transparent middle that I can put over the scrollview.
I think what you're looking for is the isUserInteractionEnabled
view property.
<StackLayout> <!-- content --> </StackLayout>
<StackLayout isUserInteractionEnabled="false"> <!-- overlay --> </StackLayout>
Example: https://play.nativescript.org/?template=play-ng&id=afYWWQ&v=5