I have 3 tables :
Stock - ID, Description, Quantity etc
Equipment - ID, Description
LinkStockEquipment - StockID, EquipmentID, Quantity
There may be multiple types of equipment required for each stock item.
I want to output all the data into a csv file for the customer.
Ideally they want:
StockID, StockDescription, StockQuantity, Equipment1, Equipment1Qty, Equipment2, Equipment2Qty, Equipment3, Equipment3Qty etc
So my starting point is:
LEFT JOIN LinkStockEquipment ON LinkStockEquipment.StockID = Stock.ID
LEFT JOIN Equipment ON Equipment.ID = LinkStockEquipment.EquipmentID
But of course this just gives me multiple rows when there are multiple types of equipment per stock item. I could just take the top or bottom rows using a SORT and a MAX or MIN but how would I then access the remaining rows, one by one to link them in.
Could it be something like (syntax wrong but trying to get message across)
LEFT JOIN LinkStockEquipment AS LSE1 ON LSE1.StockID = Stock.ID LIMIT 1
LEFT JOIN LinkStockEquipment AS LSE2 ON LSE2.StockID = Stock.ID AND LSE1.StockID <> LSE2.StockID LIMIT 1
LEFT JOIN LinkStockEquipment AS LSE3 ON LSE3.StockID = Stock.ID AND LSE1.StockID <> LSE2.StockID AND LSE2.StockID <> LSE3.StockID LIMIT 1
LEFT JOIN Equipment ON Equipment.ID = LinkStockEquipment.EquipmentID
Apologies if this has already been answered directly, I've only used basic SQL before so I have not fully understood the other answers to similar questions.
MySQL Left Join Many to One Row might do what I want but I also need the quantity of each type of equiment so it didn't seem to be the solution.
Update 1: I have also looked at MySQL pivot row into dynamic number of columns however I didn't see how it could apply when I need both equipment and quantity each time, rather than just one item to pivot on. I'll read up more on Pivoting.
Update 2: Reading about pivoting it would give me a separate column for each equipment type but there could be 100 different equipment types. However each stock item might only have 2 or 3 out of those 100 different types. I only therefore want to list what those equipment types are not a column for each.
Stock ID | Equipment ID | Equipment Qty
A1 | E1 | 5
A1 | E2 | 3
A2 | E3 | 4
A2 | E4 | 6
A3 | E5 | 2
I would like
Stock ID | Eqpmnt ID 1 | Eqpmnt Qty 1 | Eqpmnt ID 2 | Eqpmnt Qty 2
A1 | E1 | 5 | E2 | 3
A2 | E3 | 4 | E4 | 6
A3 | E5 | 2 | |
Stock ID | E1 | E2 | E3 | E4 | E5
A1 | 5 | 3 | | |
A2 | | | 4 | 6 |
A3 | | | | | 2
Unless I have misunderstood pivoting?
Update and Result: For some reason I cannot set this as the answer to the question, however in case this helps anyone else ...
Thanks to Juan below, I added an additional row into my LinkStockEquipment table using info from this question : mysql increment value based on previous record
SET t1.Counter = t2.Counter
FROM LinkStockEquipment t1
t.StockID ,
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM [LinkStockEquipment] AS x WHERE x.EquipmentID <= t.EquipmentID
AND x.StockID = t.StockID) AS Counter
FROM [LinkStockEquipment] t
) as t2
ON t1.EquipmentID= t2.EquipmentID AND t1.StockID = t2.StockID
So then the table looks like:
Stock ID | Equipment ID | Equipment Qty | Counter
A1 | E1 | 5 | 1
A1 | E2 | 3 | 2
A2 | E3 | 4 | 1
A2 | E4 | 6 | 2
A3 | E5 | 2 | 1
Now I can pivot, so using
SELECT P.StockID, P.[1], L1.Qty, P.[2], L2.Qty, P.[3], L3.Qty
FROM (SELECT StockID, EquipmentID, Counter
FROM [LinkStockEquipment]) AS D
PIVOT(MAX(EquipmentID) FOR Counter IN([1],[2],[3])) AS P
LEFT JOIN [LinkStockEquipment] L1 ON L1.StockID = P.StockID
AND L1.EquipmentID = P.[1]
LEFT JOIN [LinkStockEquipment] L2 ON L2.StockID = P.StockID
AND L2.EquipmentID = P.[2]
LEFT JOIN [LinkStockEquipment] L3 ON L3.StockID = P.StockID
AND L3.EquipmentID = P.[3]
I can left join in the Stock table details and I have the desired result.
If you have a fixed number of equipment for stock (I assume 3 for this )
You can do a pivot using GROUP BY
WITH tmpResult as (
[Stock ID],
'Equipment ID ' + CAST(rn AS VARCHAR(16)) as lblEq,
[Equipment ID],
[Equipment Qty]
FROM ( SELECT *, row_number() over (partition by [Stock ID] ORDER BY [Equipment ID]) as rn
FROM LinkStockEquipment ) as rows
SELECT [Stock ID],
MAX( CASE WHEN lblEq = 'Equipment ID 1' THEN [Equipment ID] END) as [Eqp ID 1],
MAX( CASE WHEN lblEq = 'Equipment ID 1' THEN [Equipment Qty] END) as [Eqp Qty 1],
MAX( CASE WHEN lblEq = 'Equipment ID 2' THEN [Equipment ID] END) as [Eqp ID 2],
MAX( CASE WHEN lblEq = 'Equipment ID 2' THEN [Equipment Qty] END) as [Eqp Qty 2],
MAX( CASE WHEN lblEq = 'Equipment ID 3' THEN [Equipment ID] END) as [Eqp ID 3],
MAX( CASE WHEN lblEq = 'Equipment ID 3' THEN [Equipment Qty] END) as [Eqp Qty 3]
FROM tmpResult
GROUP BY [Stock ID];
Now if you want use PIVOT the important part is on the data preparation. In this case I have to convert qty to string. Again you need to know the number of fields you want to pivot
WITH tmpResult as (
[Stock ID],
'Eqp ID ' + CAST(rn AS VARCHAR(16)) as label,
[Equipment ID] as [Value]
FROM ( SELECT *, row_number() over (partition by [Stock ID] ORDER BY [Equipment ID]) as rn
FROM LinkStockEquipment ) as rows
[Stock ID],
'Eqp Qty ' + CAST(rn AS VARCHAR(16)) as label,
CAST([Equipment Qty] AS VARCHAR(16)) as [Value]
FROM ( SELECT *, row_number() over (partition by [Stock ID] ORDER BY [Equipment ID]) as rn
FROM LinkStockEquipment ) as rows
SELECT [Stock ID],
[Eqp ID 1], [Eqp Qty 1],
[Eqp ID 2], [Eqp Qty 2]
FROM ( SELECT * FROM tmpResult ) as x
max( [Value] )
for label in ( [Eqp ID 1], [Eqp Qty 1], [Eqp ID 2], [Eqp Qty 2] )
) as pvt
Now if you dont know how many equipment you have, then you need dynamic PIVOT.
First you need a temporal table.
[Stock ID],
INTO tmpResult
[Stock ID],
'Eqp ID ' + CAST(rn AS VARCHAR(16)) as label,
[Equipment ID] as [Value]
FROM ( SELECT *, row_number() over (partition by [Stock ID] ORDER BY [Equipment ID]) as rn
FROM LinkStockEquipment ) as rows
[Stock ID],
'Eqp Qty ' + CAST(rn AS VARCHAR(16)) as label,
CAST([Equipment Qty] AS VARCHAR(16)) as [Value]
FROM ( SELECT *, row_number() over (partition by [Stock ID] ORDER BY [Equipment ID]) as rn
FROM LinkStockEquipment ) as rows
) as x;
Then you need prepare the pivot query:
SET @cols = STUFF((SELECT distinct ',' + QUOTENAME(c.label)
FROM tmpResult c
).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)')
SELECT @cols;
set @query = 'SELECT [Stock ID], ' + @cols + ' FROM
FROM tmpResult
) x
for label in (' + @cols + ')
) p '
Here the problem is the column order. I will try to see if can fix it.