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python: reportlab, how to remove black borders from image

I am trying to generate a pdf file, using python reportlab, but is seems image is displayed with strange black border in pdf.

Here is the code:

# Standalone script to generate pdf lessons

from reportlab.pdfgen import canvas
def hello(c):
    c.drawImage("./media/files/1.png", 0, 600, 350, 350)

c = canvas.Canvas("hello.pdf")

The image I am trying to add is hereenter image description here

Can somebody advice why the black line on the left have appeared, and how to fix it?


  • The problem isn't with a border, rather your chessboard has transparent pixels on the right and bottom sides, and reportlab isn't recognizing the alpha channel and is painting the transparent section as black:

    enter image description here

    Using mask='auto' tells drawImage to use the alpha channel in your PNG, so the background shows through:

    c.drawImage("./media/files/1.png", 0, 600, 350, 350, mask='auto')