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Dragging the range of a RangeSlider

In my Qt project for viewing logfiles with charts, I need a range slider for easy navigation on the time axis.

What I need is support for dragging both handles; when clicking and dragingg in between the handles, both handles are moved together. The behaviour of the RangeSlider is to position the nearest handle to the clicked position, and I cant find any way of changing this from any properties.

When the provided controls is not providing the required functionality, I wonder if the only approach is to create a new component from scratch, or if there is any way of customizing the existing controls?


  • What you want is certainly possible:

    RangeSlider {
        id: sli
        width: 300
        from: 0
        to: 1000
        first.value: 300
        second.value: 700
        Rectangle {
          anchors.left: sli.first.handle.right
          anchors.right: sli.second.handle.left
          anchors.verticalCenter: sli.verticalCenter
          height: sli.first.handle.height
          color: "red"
          MouseArea {
            anchors.fill: parent
            property real dx: 0
            onPressed: dx = mouseX
            onPositionChanged: {
              var d = ((mouseX - dx) / sli.width) * Math.abs( - sli.from)
              if ((d + sli.first.value) < sli.from) d = sli.from - sli.first.value
              if ((d + sli.second.value) > d = - sli.second.value
              sli.first.value += d
              sli.second.value += d
              dx = mouseX

    The red rectangle is actually redundant, I merely put it there as a visual aid.