I have four mysql tables client
, transaction
, other_loan
and payment
. I want to get the sum
of load_amount
and additional
from table transaction
+ sum
of amount
from other_loan
and subtract
it to the sum
of payment_amount
in table payment
. How can I achieve it?
Result I want:
> ID | Name | Amount
> 1 | Robin | 8718
> 2 | Reynaldo | 21
> 3 | Leomar | 0
My Tables: transaction
> tid | id| date | load_amount | additional
> 1 | 1 | 2018-12-01 | 90 | 0
> 2 | 1 | 2018-12-07 | 90 | 0
> 3 | 2 | 2018-12-08 | 49 | 2
table: other_loan
> oid | id| amount | date
> 1 | 1 | 7928 | 2018-12-10
> 2 | 1 | 750 | 2018-12-10
table: payment
> pid |id | payment_amount | date
> 1 | 1 | 50 | 2015-12-10
> 2 | 1 | 90 | 2015-12-10
> 3 | 2 | 30 | 2015-12-10
table: client
> id | Name |
> 1 | Robin |
> 2 | Cinderella |
> 3 | Leomar |
Because you have multiple transactions, other loan amounts and payments per customer, you can't do a straight JOIN
of the tables to each other as it will cause replication of rows, resulting in incorrect values. Instead, we SUM
all the values within each table on a client basis before doing the JOIN
. Additionally, since some clients don't have entries in each table, you must use LEFT JOIN
on the results so that empty rows don't cause SUMs to become NULL
. This query should give you the results you want:
SELECT c.id, c.name,
COALESCE(t.transactions, 0) + COALESCE(o.amounts, 0) - COALESCE(p.payments, 0) AS amount
FROM client c
LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, SUM(load_amount) + SUM(additional) AS transactions
FROM transaction
GROUP BY id) t on t.id = c.id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, SUM(amount) AS amounts
FROM other_loan
GROUP BY id) o ON o.id = c.id
LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, SUM(payment_amount) AS payments
FROM payment
GROUP BY id) p ON p.id = c.id
Output (for your sample data):
id name amount
1 Robin 8718
2 Cinderella 21
3 Leomar 0