I'm trying to follow this documentation for starting to use application insights in a .net core application I deploy to service fabric.
My code is really simple
public FailedAuthorise(StatelessServiceContext context, IConfigManager config)
: base(context)
_worker = new Worker<PaymentFailedAuthorise>(config, FailedAuthoriseHandlerFactory.Create, "FailedAuthorise", "FailedAuthoriseError");
protected override async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await _worker.RunAsync(cancellationToken);
Being the worker just a generic class that reads from some queues and processes the messages
But if I was to follow that document I would need to install some nuget packages (which actually are giving me problems to find and/or install, for instance no access to the using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.ServiceFabric; or will need to change the instrumentation key on a configuration file modification on the pipeline) and start using "hosting" classes that I don't really need in my solution.
Is not a simple way of just adding application insights to what used to be a worker role in the cloud services with no need of the hosting bit?
You can just add this nuget package and create your own custom telemetry like this:
public class MyService
private readonly TelemetryClient telemetryClient;
public MyService()
telemetryClient = new TelemetryClient(configuration);
telemetryClient.Context.InstrumentationKey = "[Your Key Here]";
public FailedAuthorise(StatelessServiceContext context, IConfigManager config)
: base(context)
_worker = new Worker<PaymentFailedAuthorise>(config, FailedAuthoriseHandlerFactory.Create, "FailedAuthorise", "FailedAuthoriseError");
protected override async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
telemetryClient.TrackEvent("Worker started");
await _worker.RunAsync(cancellationToken);
There are several things you can track, like exceptions, traces, events, metrics and requests but if you are not using Asp.Net Core you will have to manually send those events as opposed to having some middleware sending the telemetry to App Insigths.
If your service calls other services you can add this package to automatically track communication to other services.