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Error! The command "tesseract" was not found. (PHP thiagoalessio)

I am encountering this error message

Error! The command "tesseract" was not found.

However, tesseract and tesseract php wrapper is already installed.

When I run below,

echo (new TesseractOCR())->version();

it shows the version. When I run this,

$ocr = new TesseractOCR(asset('uploads/img.jpg'));

the error shows.

Please help.

Thank you!

my Code

public function creditCardOrderProcessImage() 
    $image = Input::file('image');
    $name = time().'-'.$image->getClientOriginalName();
    $file = $image->move('uploads/', $name);

    echo '<img src ='.asset('uploads/'.$name).' />';

    $ocr = new TesseractOCR(asset('uploads/'.$name));



  • Youre just trying to define the image path? See

     $ocr = new TesseractOCR();