I am trying to initialise default shared preferences upon first run of my app. I found out that depending on how I do it, there are differences in the shared preferences file on the Android file system.
If I specifically write to the shared preferences with the following code, the XML file resides within /data/data/myapp/shared_prefs/:
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit();
if ((myKey = pref.getString("key", null)) == null) {
myKey = "default value";
editor.putString("key", myKey );
However, if I use the following one-liner to initialize the default value, I don't see the XML file in /data/data/myapp/shared_prefs/:
myKey = pref.getString("key", "default value");
In the latter case, where is the XML file stored, and why is there a difference in behaviour?
I'll address your second case first:
myKey = pref.getString("key", "default value");
What you're saying here is "get the value associated with "key"
, or "default value"
if nothing is". This is purely a read operation. When you get "default value"
returned from this method, the system isn't actually "initializing" your shared preferences store, it's just saying "didn't find anything for "key"
, so here's that other thing you said".
Next, your first case:
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = pref.edit(); if ((myKey = pref.getString("key", null)) == null) { myKey = "default value"; editor.putString("key", myKey ); editor.commit(); }
Here you do the same thing as above with regards to getString()
, but this time you check its return value and then perform a write operation. The body of your if
block is what's creating the file.