Japan has massive gift giving culture and every year we have to print out tons of those "Noshi"s. I made a simply rails program for adding text to a blank noshi image to add to our system (already built in rails).
For reference, basically I wanted to make an open version of this that dosen't have a watermark: www.noshi.jp
Here's what the controller looks like: def create @noshi = Noshi.new(noshi_params)
# Set up variables
ntype = @noshi.ntype
omote = @noshi.omotegaki
olength = omote.length
opsize = (168 - (olength * 12))
namae = @noshi.namae
namae2 = @noshi.namae2
# namae3 = @noshi.namae3
# namae4 = @noshi.namae4
# namae5 = @noshi.namae5
replacements = [ ["(株)", "㈱"], ["(有)", "㈲"] ]
replacements.each {|replacement| namae.gsub!(replacement[0], replacement[1])}
replacements.each {|replacement| namae2.gsub!(replacement[0], replacement[1])}
# replacements.each {|replacement| namae3.gsub!(replacement[0], replacement[1])}
# replacements.each {|replacement| namae4.gsub!(replacement[0], replacement[1])}
# replacements.each {|replacement| namae5.gsub!(replacement[0], replacement[1])}
names = []
names += [namae, namae2] # removed namae3, namae4, namae5 for the time being
longest = names.max_by(&:length)
nlength = longest.length
npsize = (144 - (nlength * 12))
i = 0
# Pull Noshi Type
noshi_img = MiniMagick::Image.open("#{ENV['GBUCKET_PREFIX']}noshi/noshi#{ntype}.jpg")
# Resize to A4 @ 300dpi
noshi_img.resize "2480x3508"
# Iterate through each character
omote.each_char do |c|
# Open new blank/transparent noshi
chars = MiniMagick::Image.open("#{ENV['GBUCKET_PREFIX']}noshi/noshi_blank.png")
chars.resize "2480x3508"
# Draw Each Omotegaki Character
chars.combine_options do |d|
d.gravity 'North'
# Placement based on point size
plcmnt = ((opsize / 12 * 12) + (opsize * i * 1.2))
d.draw "text 0,#{plcmnt} '#{c}'"
d.font 'TakaoPMincho'
d.pointsize opsize
i += 1
# Composite each letter as iterated
noshi_img = noshi_img.composite(chars) do |comp|
comp.compose "Over" # OverCompositeOp
comp.geometry "+0+0" # copy second_image onto first_image from (0, 0)
# Iterator Reset
i = 0
# Draw Name Text (Line 1)
namae.each_char do |c|
# Iterate through each character
# Open new blank/transparent noshi
chars = MiniMagick::Image.open("#{ENV['GBUCKET_PREFIX']}noshi/noshi_blank.png")
# Resize to a square so it's easy to flip
chars.resize "2480x3508"
chars.combine_options do |d|
# Middle position for first line so set to 0
xplcmnt = (npsize / 12) * 0
yplcmnt = (625 - npsize) - (npsize * i)
d.gravity 'south'
# Placement based on point size, fix for katakana dash
# positive x is
if c == 'ー'
yplcmnt += 15
d.draw "text 0,#{yplcmnt} '|'"
d.pointsize (npsize * 0.85)
d.draw "text 0,#{yplcmnt} '#{c}'"
d.pointsize npsize
d.font 'TakaoPMincho'
i += 1
# Composite each letter as iterated
noshi_img = noshi_img.composite(chars) do |comp|
comp.compose "Over" # OverCompositeOp
comp.geometry "+0+0" # copy second_image onto first_image from (0, 0)
# Iterator Reset
i = 0
# Draw Name Text (Line 2)
namae2.each_char do |c|
# Iterate through each character
# Open new blank/transparent noshi
chars = MiniMagick::Image.open("#{ENV['GBUCKET_PREFIX']}noshi/noshi_blank.png")
# Resize to a square so it's easy to flip
chars.resize "2480x3508"
chars.combine_options do |d|
# Next position for second line so set by font size
xplcmnt = (npsize / 6) - npsize * 1.45
yplcmnt = (625 - (npsize * 2)) - (npsize * i)
d.gravity 'south'
# Placement based on point size, fix for katakana dash
if c == 'ー'
yplcmnt += 15
d.draw "text #{xplcmnt},#{yplcmnt} '|'"
d.pointsize (npsize * 0.85)
d.draw "text #{xplcmnt},#{yplcmnt} '#{c}'"
d.pointsize npsize
d.font 'TakaoPMincho'
i += 1
# Composite each letter as iterated
noshi_img = noshi_img.composite(chars) do |comp|
comp.compose "Over" # OverCompositeOp
comp.geometry "+0+0" # copy second_image onto first_image from (0, 0)
# Setup and save the file
noshi_img.format "png"
fname = "#{@noshi.omotegaki}_#{@noshi.namae}"
dkey = Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
ext = '.png'
finlname = fname + dkey + ext
noshi_img.write finlname
@noshi.image = File.open(finlname)
File.delete(finlname) if File.exist?(finlname)
respond_to do |format|
if @noshi.save
format.html { redirect_to @noshi, notice: '熨斗が作成されました。' }
format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @noshi }
format.html { render :new }
format.json { render json: @noshi.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
end end
How it works. 1. User pics a noshi background, selects a noshi header type (for お歳暮 or お祝い or whatever), and inputs a name 2. The app then takes a corresponding file from the gCloud for the noshi background. 3. The app takes each letter and calculates the font size and placement based on the number of total letters and lines. 4. It takes an empty image file and puts each letter onto it's own image and then merges all of them into a final image.
YES it is necessary to make a new image for each letter because as far as I can tell there is no (right-side-up) vertical text format for ImageMagick (a pretty crucial function for a large portion of the planet [China, Japan, Korea] so I find it pretty surprising that it's missing this).
This works fine in development and for our purposes I don't mind it being slow. However, on Heroku this returns an error if it takes over 30 seconds to process, even though the noshi is correctly created every time.
I read that "scale" instead of "resize" may help, but looking at my code I feel like there has to be a more efficient way to do what I've done here. I tried using base images with smaller file sizes, this didn't help much.
Is there a more efficient way to do this?
If not, is there a way to send the user somewhere to wait while the noshi completes so it doesn't return an error every time?
Just coming back to show the working Ruby on Rails controller I ended up with:
def create
@noshi = Noshi.new(noshi_params)
# Set up variables
ntype = @noshi.ntype
omote = @noshi.omotegaki
omote_length = omote.length
omote_point_size = (168 - (omote_length * 12))
#make an array with each of the name lines entered
name_array = Array.new
name_array << @noshi.namae
name_array << @noshi.namae2
name_array << @noshi.namae3
name_array << @noshi.namae4
name_array << @noshi.namae5
#replace multi-character prefixes with their single charcter versions
#replace katakana dash with capital I
#insert line breaks after each letter for Japanese vertical type
name_array.each do |namae|
replacements = [ ["(株)", "㈱"], ["(有)", "㈲"], ["ー", "|"] ]
replacements.each {|replacement| namae.gsub!(replacement[0], replacement[1])}
def add_line_breaks(string)
name_array.map!{ |namae| add_line_breaks(namae)}
#add line breaks after each character for the omote as well
omote = add_line_breaks(omote)
#find the longest string (important: after the character concatenation) in the name array to calculate the point size for the names section
name_array_max_length = (name_array.map { |namae| namae.length }).max
name_point_size = (204 - (name_array_max_length * 10))
#max omote size is 156, and the name needs to be an order smaller than that by default.
if name_point_size > 108
name_point_size = 108
# Pull Noshi Type
noshi_img = MiniMagick::Image.open("#{ENV['GBUCKET_PREFIX']}noshi/noshi#{ntype}.jpg")
# Resize to A4 @ 300dpi
noshi_img.resize "2480x3508"
#create the overlay image
name_overlay = MiniMagick::Image.open("#{ENV['GBUCKET_PREFIX']}noshi/noshi_blank.png")
name_overlay.resize "2480x3508"
#first time for omote
name_overlay.combine_options do |image|
image.gravity 'North'
# Placement based on point size
omote_placement_y = (348 - (omote_length * (omote_point_size / 2)))
image.font 'TakaoPMincho'
image.pointsize omote_point_size
image.draw "text 0,#{omote_placement_y} '#{omote}'"
#count number of names in array, add a name for each time
name_array.count.times do |i|
name_overlay.combine_options do |image|
image.gravity 'North'
# Placement based on point size and iteration
name_placement_x = (0 - i * name_point_size)
name_placement_y = 1150 + ((i * name_point_size) - (name_point_size / 2))
image.font 'TakaoPMincho'
image.pointsize name_point_size
image.draw "text #{name_placement_x},#{name_placement_y} '#{name_array[i]}'"
noshi_img = noshi_img.composite(name_overlay) do |comp|
comp.compose "Over" #OverCompositeOp
comp.geometry "+0+0" #copy second_image onto first_image from (0, 0)
# Setup and save the file
noshi_img.format "png"
#name the file
fname = "#{@noshi.omotegaki}_#{@noshi.namae}"
dkey = Time.now.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')
ext = '.png'
final_name = fname + dkey + ext
#write a temporary version
noshi_img.write final_name
#write/stream the file to the uploader
@noshi.image = File.open(final_name)
#delete the original temporary
File.delete(final_name) if File.exist?(final_name)
respond_to do |format|
if @noshi.save
format.html { redirect_to @noshi, notice: '熨斗が作成されました。' }
format.json { render :show, status: :created, location: @noshi }
format.html { render :new }
format.json { render json: @noshi.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity }
YES it is necessary to make a new image for each letter because as far as I can tell there is no (right-side-up) vertical text format for ImageMagick
In ImageMagick command line, you can create a vertically aligned text string image by placing line feeds after each character.
convert -background white -fill black -pointsize 18 -font arial -gravity center label:"t\ne\ns\nt\ni\nn\ng" result.png
Does this help you? Or is that not practical?