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How to install only test dependencies with Zef

zef has a --deps-only flag for the install subcommand to install only the dependencies of a modules.

zef install --deps-only .

This installs all the modules referenced in the depends object in META6.json. Is there a similar flag to install all the modules in the test-depends object in META6.json?


  • zef install . --deps-only --/depends --/build-depends --test-depends

    The --test-depends at the end is not needed but is included for clarity. --/depends skips items under the depends META6 field, and --/build-depends skips items under the build-depends META6 field.

    The relevant bits from zef --help:

        --deps-only             Install only the dependency chains of the requested distributions
        --/depends              Do not fetch runtime dependencies
        --/test-depends         Do not fetch test dependencies
        --/build-depends        Do not fetch build dependencies