I am looking for a good way to get window information to find and close them programmatically.
i have been using pywinauto and pyautogui. brining all of my knowledge from autoit.
Using python3 autoit has not been working.
From Python3 we hope to accomplish: Here is the AutoIT command to translate to python3
If WinExists("WindowName") then
Thank you for all your help everyone, I seem to have found a good solution. Hopefully this will help someone else as well!
This connects the application to Pywinauto:
import pywinauto as pwa
app = pwa.application.Application(backend="uia")
Here we are creating a dialog for the app window and specifying a name reference.
dlg = app.window(title_re=".*AppName.*")
In this area, we are calling the window, and wait for it to be ready. Then we are going to close the window.
dlg.child_window(title="WindowName", control_type="Window").wait('ready', timeout=10):
dlg.child_window(title="WindowName", control_type="Window").close()
print("Window is closed")