Not sure if I am just doing this wrong or am misunderstanding some of the examples already on stack overflow here and here.
I am trying to take a selected item from my first view model and pass it to another view model I am navigating to. The purpose of this is so I can display the item that has been passed and allow the user to work with it.
Passing from first view model
This is just a small snippet of the first view model. Here I am first navigating to the new page/view model. Then pass the SelectedRule object using a messenger. Navigation is done using a ViewModelLocator class / navigation service provided with MVVM Light.
private ApprovedBomRule _selectedRule = new ApprovedBomRule();
public ApprovedBomRule SelectedRule
get { return _selectedRule;}
set { Set(ref _selectedRule, value); }
private void NavigateToUpdateRule()
//Navigate to Update Rule page
//Pass selected rule as a parameter using messenger service
ApprovedBomRule ruleToSend = SelectedRule; // Selected by user.
On receiving view model
Here is my second view model where I register the same type of SelectedRule from above and set it to the public variable.
public class UpdateBomRuleViewModel : ViewModelBase
private ApprovedBomRule _passedRule;
public ApprovedBomRule PassedRule
get => _passedRule;
set => Set(ref _passedRule, value);
public UpdateBomRuleViewModel()
//Register message type
Messenger.Default.Register<ApprovedBomRule>(this, GetMessage);
//Set the property to passed object
public void GetMessage(ApprovedBomRule rule)
PassedRule = rule;
My constructor is reached and the register method is set, but the GetMessage() function is never called. What am I missing here?
I narrowed down the problem to the fact that the register method is being called after the message is sent. Now the second problem I am running into is how do I have my second view model register before the send? I am using a viewmodel locator in my pages to determine the view models for each page. Even though I am doing the _navigation.NavigateTo() before sending the data, the view model is not initialized until after the send.
Example of viewmodel locator in page
<local:BasePage x:Class="YAI.BomConfigurator.Desktop.Views.Rules.UpdateBomRuleView"
d:DesignHeight="450" d:DesignWidth="800"
DataContext="{Binding UpdateBomRuleViewModel, Source={StaticResource Locator}}">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding PassedRule.Description}"
Okay so I sort of found a solution to the problem. I used my ServiceLocator to get the instance before navigating.
var vm = ServiceLocator.Current.GetInstance<UpdateBomRuleViewModel>();
//Navigate to Update Rule page
//Pass selected rule as a parameter using messenger service
ApprovedBomRule ruleToSend = SelectedRule; // Selected by user.
This caused my register to be called before the send. I don't necessarily like this solution because the var vm is not being used for anything, but it works for now.
thank you for looking at the question.