I am mapping the GetFullPathName
windows API in a perl6 script using NativeCall
, for so I wrote the following:
use NativeCall;
constant \WIN32_MAX_PATH = 260;
#I may use directly $path.IO.absolute()
sub Win32-GetFullPathName(
Str $lpFileName is encoded('utf16'),
int32 $nBufferLength,
#Str $lpBuffer is encoded('utf16') is rw,
Blob $lpBuffer is rw,
Str $lpFilenameIndex is rw)
returns int32
is native('kernel32.dll')
is symbol('GetFullPathNameW')
{ * }
my $path = '.';
my $fp-size = Win32-GetFullPathName(
$path, # $path ~ "\0", # <!-- this hack make it working fine
#my Str $fpath = ' ' x WIN32_MAX_PATH;
my $buffer = buf16.allocate(WIN32_MAX_PATH),
Str );
put "[$fp-size] => ", $buffer.decode('utf16').substr(0, $fp-size);
The code is working randomly, until I append a "\0"
after $path
[EDIT] The results when called multiple times:
[12] => D:\dev\pa.t
[12] => D:\dev\pa.
[12] => D:\dev\pa.槟
[9] => D:\dev\pa
[9] => D:\dev\pa
Is there another proper way to do it?
I suspect a MoarVM bug in src/strings/utf16.c
, in particular line 403:
result = MVM_realloc(result, *output_size);
which should probably read
result = MVM_realloc(result, *output_size + 2);
If you could verify that this fixes your problem, feel free to file a bug report or even create a pull request.