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Loading of js in MediaWiki extension doesn't work

I'm about to create an extension forMediaWiki in which I want to provide a special page that shows a form. For this form I want to use Bootstrap including jquery and popper.js. Therefore I need to include js files in the Extension.

Usually the style and script files are included in the extension.json like this:

"ResourceModules": {
"ext.meForm.custom": {
  "position": "top",
  "scripts": [
  "styles": [


And then they need to be loaded in the special page execution method like this:


When I only include the style files (just remove the scripts property), then the styles are applied as expected. But when I add the scriptproperty, not just the scripts aren't applied, but also the styles aren't applied anymore. Seems like I am doing anything wrong in the module definition, but I don't have any idea what.

Does anyone have any clues or ideas?

Greets, Jakob

Edit: I forgot to mention, that it seems like it has nothing to do with the js files of jquery, popper or bootstrap, because it behaves the same when I include only the ext.meForm.custom.js, which is in fact just an empty js file.

The only console output I get is SyntaxError: expected expression, got '<' from the load.php at line 1.

I am using Mediawiki version 1.30.1.

Edit: It works now. It seems like the problem was another extension that had an error while loading. I don't really know how this would cause my extension not to load the modules properly but it did.


  • It works now!

    It seems like the problem was another extension that had an error while loading. I don't really know how this would cause my extension not to load the modules properly but it did.