I am getting below error when trying to restore DB from S3 Bak file -
100 percent processed. [2018-11-12 19:32:21.677] Processed 32980832 pages for database 'RDSBackup', file 'SourceDB_NEW' on file 1. [2018-11-12 19:32:21.680] Processed 4547 pages for database 'RDSBackup', file 'SourceDB_NEW_log' on file 1. [2018-11-12 19:32:22.013] RDSBackup_FULL_COPY_ONLY_20181112_010009.bak: S3 processing has been aborted.
Error started after the source DB version changed from SQL2012 Enterprise to SQL2016 Standard.
I escalated this issue to AWS. As per the latest update, they have made some changes to RDS and I could restore the DB even with a large log file (300GB).
Link for the newest update details is below -
Alternate solution - At first, I was asked to try to restore with a smaller log file. I shrunk the logs and the restore worked.
Although AWS engineers asked me to keep a check on the logfile size, they made some changes to RDS so as to accommodate S3 bak files with relatively large size as well.