For my Application I need a renderer. The renderer uses the OpenGL 3.3 core profile as a basic. In newer OpenGL versions, there are some neat features, which are also available via extensions. If available I want to use newer features, based on the newest OpenGL version. Since it's a mess to test for available versions and adjust the loader, I decided to remain at core 3.3 and use extensions where available (as this are extensions for, right?).
Are Extensions as fast as the same funcionality in newer OpenGL versions?
Let's take the GL_ARB_direct_state_access
-extension. It's available in core since 4.5 via Direct State Access. Is the latter faster than the former? I.e. are the functions implemented in newer versions faster than extensions? Or do driver link to the same function anyway?
E: This is not a question about software design rather than about how extensions are handled (mostly?) and about performance.
Actually, the OpenGL API spec XML description has the nice property of alias
. A GL function aliasing another one is basically both syntactically and semantically identical to the function it is aliasing - and this feature is used a lot when extension function become promoted to core functionality and have their names changed.
There are GL Loaders out there which actually use that information. Two examples I know of are:
With such a loader, you do not have to care about whether a particular function comes from an extension or from the GL core functionality, you can just use them if they are available somehow.
Also note that with newer extensions, the OpenGL ARB more often is creating ARB extensions without the ARB
suffix on the function and enum names, which means that it is describing the exact same entities in any case. This is basically done for extensions which were created after the features were incorporated into the core standard. They just create an extension for it so that a vendor, who might not be able to fulfill some other requirement of the new standard version, is still available to provide the isoltated feature.
One of the first examples of this was the GL_ARB_sync
extension, which itself relates to this fact in issue #13:
13) Why don't the entry points/enums have
appended?This functionality is going directly into the OpenGL 3.2 core and also being defined as an extension for older > platforms at the same time, so it does not use ARB suffixes, like other such new features going directly into the GL core.
You wrote :
Let's take the
-extension. It's available in core since 4.5 via Direct State Access. Is the latter faster than the former? I.e. are the functions implemented in newer versions faster than extensions? Or do driver link to the same function anyway?
falls into the same category as GL_ARB_sync
. The GL functions are identified by name, and two entities having the same name means that they are referencing the very same thing. (You can't export two different functions with the same name in a library, and *glGetProcAddress
also takes only the name string as input, so it can't decide which version you wanted if there were more than one).
However, it will still depend on your GL loading meachanism how this situation is dealt with, because it might not attempt on loading functions which are not implied by the GL version you got. glad2 for example will just work if you choose it to generate a >= 4.5 loader or to support the GL_ARB_direct_state_access
Since it's a mess to test for available versions and adjust the loader, [...]
Well. That will greatly depend on the loader you are using. As I have shown, there are already options which will basically jsut work, not only in the case of absolute identical function names, but also with aliased functions.