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Tabulator (4.1) replacing new Column value/ formatter

I've added a new column in Tabulator with this column definition

table.addColumn({title:"idCopy", field: "idCopy" ,sortable:false, formatter:uploadID,width:100, align:"center",cellClick:function(e, cell){
  function selected(){
    var fileName = formInput.value;
    cell.getRow().getData().idCopy = fileName;

var f = document.createElement("form");
var formInput = document.createElement('input');
formInput.onclick = "selected(cell,f,formInput)" ;
var s = document.createElement("input");
f.onClick =;
}}, false);

I've added more lines to define each form with ID similar to this = "f_" + cell.getRow().getData().id ; so each form is unique and uploadID function look like this

  var uploadID = function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){ 

return "<i class='fa fa-print'>upload ID</i>";

which is what i got from the official resources the problem is whenever i pick the file cell.getRow().getData().idCopy has the value of fileName which is exactly what i wanted but on the table's cell it still says upload ID instead of the value of fileName's value

so the user will have no idea that he have just picked the file and the system is ready to upload it.

is there is a way to replace upload ID with the fileName value or refresh those cells ?


  • I've fixed it by applying row reformat

    first I've added a condition in var uploadID = function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){}

    for example :

    var uploadID = function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){ //plain text value
    var x = cell.getValue();
    if ( x == null ){ // do something}
    else{ // do something }
    return /*something*/;

    then in cellClick:function(e, cell){}

    I've added the following at the end of my code

        var row = cell.getRow();