i have some issues with activeadmin_froala_editor gem.
In my form, i can user froala editors, it's working, but in nested forms, it's dont working, but i don't understand why.
This is a part of my code :
form do |f|
f.inputs "En-tête" do
f.input :title
f.input :content, as: :froala_editor
f.input :banner
f.inputs "Prix" do
f.has_many :rewards do |price|
price.input :name
price.input :picto
price.input :description, as: :froala_editor
price.input :quantity
The first froala is working perfectly, but the second one don't appear.
Thank's for your help !
The gem "activeadmin_froala_editor" need to be updated
$>bundle update activeadmin_froala_editor
Be also sure that the version is updated in gemfile.lock. If you are in early development stade you can erase it.
$> rm Gemfile.lock
$> bundle update