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"define" is not defined when executing suite script 2.0 user event

I'm trying to execute the suite script2.0 user event

 *@NApiVersion 2.0
 *@NScriptType UserEventScript
define(["N/record"], function (r) {
    function onAfterSubmit(context) {

but while uploading the js file in net enter image description heresuite It's not allowing to upload the 2.0 js file

i'm getting define no defined error..

thanks in Advance!


  • Your code isn't being recognized as SS2. You need a space between the * and the @N... in the JSDoc

     * @NApiVersion 2.x
     * @NScriptType UserEventScript
     * @NModuleScope SameAccount
            function onAfterSubmit(context){
                log.debug('After Submit Triggered');
        return {
        afterSubmit: onAfterSubmit
