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How to format bokeh xaxis ticks with currency

I'm working on a juypter notebook to make a bullet graph to compare two values. The plot renders but I would like to format the xaxis tickers to show currency. This is what I have so far...

project = "Rocket"
targetspend = 15000
spend2date = 16600
data = [(project, targetspend, spend2date)]

from import show, output_notebook
from bokeh.plotting import figure

def make_bokeh_spend_bullet(data):
  if len(data) ==1:
      ph = 135

  elif len(data) >1 and len(data) < 3:
    ph =165
    ph = ( 6 * len(data) * 10)

  if data[0][2] < data[0][1] * 2:
    perf = data[0][2]
    limits = [0, data[0][1], data[0][1] *2]
    perf = data[0][2]
    limits = [0, data[0][1], data[0][2]]

  labels = ["OK", "Over budget", ]
  cats = [x[0] for x in data]

  p=figure(title="Project Spend", plot_height=ph, plot_width=600, y_range=cats)
  p.x_range.range_padding = 0
  p.grid.grid_line_color = None
  p.xaxis[0].ticker.num_minor_ticks = 0

  for left, right, color in zip(limits[:-1], limits[1:], OrRd3[::-1]):
    p.hbar(y=cats, left=left, right=right, height=0.8, color=color)

  for x in data:
    if x[2] > x[1]:
      p.hbar(y=cats, left=0, right=perf, height=0.3, color="firebrick")
      p.hbar(y=cats, left=0, right=perf, height=0.3, color="gray")

  comp = [x[1] for x in data]
  p.segment(x0=comp, y0=[(x, -0.5) for x in cats], x1=comp,
          y1=[(x, 0.5) for x in cats], color="black", line_width=2)

  for start, label in zip(limits[:-1], labels):
    p.add_layout(Label(x=start, y=0, text=label, text_font_size="10pt",
                       text_color='black', y_offset=5, x_offset=15)) 
  return show(p)


p = make_bokeh_spend_bullet(data)

enter image description here

I read from the bokeh documentation about a class NumeralTickFormatter(**kwargs) but It's not clear how to use this format option for my graph.


  • The code just needs a little more help.

    from bokeh.models import Label, Title, NumeralTickFormatter

    Then add another assignment to the xaxis

    p.xaxis[0].formatter = NumeralTickFormatter(format="$0")

    Below is the new graph:

    enter image description here