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Class SimpleContextFactory not found when running Pentaho PDI job using Java API

I'm runnning a Pentaho PDI/Kettle job in a Play for Scala application server. I added kettle-core-7.0.0-12.jar and kettle-engine-7.0.0-12.jar to the classpath and it works fine the first time, but the second time it throws an error:


The first question is why the class is found (or not used) the first time? After some research, I found that the jar simple-jndi needs to be added to the classpath along with a simple-jndi directory that contains a file. But after doing so, none of my application JNDI connections work, I get:

Error injecting constructor, org.hibernate.service.spi.ServiceException: Unable to create requested service [org.hibernate.engine.jdbc.env.spi.JdbcEnvironment]

There seems to be a conflict between Pentaho's and Play's JNDI connections. Not clear why Pentaho needs the simple-jndi jar as the first time it's not using it and it runs fine. I don't want Pentaho to use JNDI to connect to the repository, just plain JDBC.

This is how I run the job, any ideas will be welcome.

    val databaseMeta = new DatabaseMeta("ETL", dbType, "JDBC", host, 
                                    db, port, dbUserName, dbPassword)
    val repository = new KettleDatabaseRepository
    val repositoryMeta = new KettleDatabaseRepositoryMeta
    val conn = repository.connect(repUserName, repPassword)

    // load the job
    val dir = repository.findDirectory("/some dir")
    val jobMeta = repository.loadJob("General ETL", dir, null, null)
    val job = new Job(repository, jobMeta)

    // run the ETL job
    jobMeta.setParameterValue("INPUT_DATE", dateStr)
    val result = job.getResult


I added the following line to force the connection to native JDBC, but get the same error:



  • Found the answer here

    Call KettleEnvironment.init(false) where false means don't use JNDI