This is not a duplicate since all other topics do not answer my specific issue.
I'm on Xubuntu 18.04
using libxml-xpath-perl 1.42 (if that matters)
I have an XML, let's say like so:
<somechild foo="bar" />
I want to get the value bar
from somechild
s attribute foo
However, when I query
FOO=$(xpath -e '/root/level1/somechild/@foo' $XMLFILE)"
in my bash script it returns foo="bar"
instead of bar
I've already researched this issue and found out that I have to do something with string() but I just cannot figure out what the right syntax is for that.
I've tried the string() function in various places but the closest I got to success, so far was
FOO="$(xpath -e 'string(/root/level1/somechild/@foo)' $XMLFILE)"
In this case echo $FOO
gives me
Query didn't return a nodeset. Value: bar
Still not what I want but at least no error and the Value is recognized as bar
How do I use this properly?
With valid XML:
xpath -e 'string(//root/level1/somechild/@foo)' file.xml 2>/dev/null
xmlstarlet select --text --template --copy-of 'string(//root/level1/somechild/@foo)' file.xml
xmlstarlet select --text --template --match '//root/level1/somechild' --value-of '@foo' file.xml