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Unable to login to api connect through Node.js cli, though have access to API Connect portal

I am unable to login to APIConnect through command line, though i am able to successfully login to IBM API Connect portal (Signed-up on IBM Bluemix).

Below are the s/w versions i am using:

Windows 10, Node js v6.12.3, npm v3.10.10, apic v5.0.8.4-iFix (apiconnect: v2.8.39)

However, when i am trying to execute the below command, it is failing to login.

apic login -s -u <IBMid> -p <mypassword>

With this command, i am getting the below error:

Error: Login to failed. Please verify the server and credentials.

Can someone please let me know what needs to be done for cli login to api connect as i need this for continuous integration.


  • This is a detailed tutorial about logging into API Manager from apic CLI. It sets the server URL, orgs and catalog names. Publishing a project to IBM Cloud from the command line

    1. Run the apic config: apic config:set catalog=apic-catalog://ibmcloud-base-url/orgs/org-name/catalogs/sb .
    2. Run apic login --sso or apic login --apiKey

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