I'am just looking for answer for my (seems to be stupid) question. I've already watched few stackoverflow posts but any of them was helpful :(
My question is how to compare two instance of different models with different?
Here is my case:
I've got two models: Product and Connector. First include id(pk), name, ect. Another include id(pk), productId(fk), userId(fk), ect.
My goal is to prepare view that list only product which are in Connector db-table as product(fk).
def list(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
# return only product user's watching
userId = self.request.user.id
connectorData = ConnectorModel.objects.filter(userId=userId)
allProducts = self.get_queryset()
productListToDisplay = []
for product in allProducts:
for connector in connectorData:
if product.id == connector.productId:
serializer = ProductSerializer(productListToDisplay, many=True)
return Response(serializer.data)
Problem is that Django consider "product.id" and "connector.productId" as totally different types. Firs is "core.models.ProductModel" and second is "core.models.ConnectorModel". I was trying to parse it using int() but it generate errors.
How I can compare this two values to add object to productListToDisplay array?
(I saw django doc - Comparing objects but there is no helpful information for this case)
This should work
connectorData = ConnectorModel.objects.filter(userId=userId, productId__in=all_products)
for connector in connectorData: