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mozilla extension for transliteration of devanagri to gujarti

i have created an extension for mozilla firefox button,which will transliterate a particular webpage. the button code is pasted in %appdata% of mozilla.the code for button.js is as follows

function doSomething()
    let url = "http://localhost/aaa/trial.asp";
  let request = Components.classes[";1"].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIXMLHttpRequest);
   request.onload = function(aEvent) {

    doc.body.innerHTML = "<div>" + gBrowser.contentDocument.body.innerHTML  + "</div>";
    doc.body.innerHTML = "<div style='background-color: gray' >" + + "</div>"   + gBrowser.contentDocument.body.innerHTML;
    doc.body.innerHTML = gBrowser.contentDocument.body.innerHTML + "<div  id='in_trans_overlay'><a id='in_trans_lnk' href='javascript:hide(0); void 0;'>click here  to see the original page</a></div>" ;


    scpt.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
    scpt.setAttribute("charset", "UTF-8");
    scpt.setAttribute("src", "http://localhost/aaa/hide.js");
   request.onerror = function(aEvent) {
        window.alert("Error Status: " + );
   };"POST", url, true);
   request.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
   params = gBrowser.contentDocument.body.innerHTML;

   params = "inTransContent=" + encodeURIComponent(params);
   request.setRequestHeader("Content-length", params.length);
   request.setRequestHeader("Connection", "close");



this code sends an xmlhttprequest and it will execute trial.asp code.

trial.asp contains the following code

<% Dim xmlDoc 
Dim objNodeList
    Dim count

    set xmlDoc = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument.6.0")

    xmlDoc.validateOnParse = False
    xmlDoc.async = False

    xmlDoc.loadXML("<div>" & Request.Form("inTransContent")   & "</div>")   

    If (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode <> 0) Then
        Dim myErr
        Set myErr = xmlDoc.parseError
        Response.Write("<div><br><br><br>" & myErr.reason & "<br>" & myErr.line & "<br>" & myErr.srcText & "</div>")
          Set objNodeList = xmlDoc.documentElement.selectNodes("//text()")
          count = objNodeList.length

          For i = 1 To count 
               objNodeList(i-1).insertData 0, "XYZ " 
               objNodeList(i-1).insertData objNodeList(i-1).length, " XYZ" 

   End If


this code will send only the text nodes which are to be transliterated,since i havent progressed much in the for loop so i have replaced it with dummy..which appends xyz before and at the end. i need to convert this asp code because i am going to i need to convert this to or c# code..i will come back to the for loop later..this code should become the default.aspx file in

the next thing which is is that i need a global.asax file the global.asax file contains this code

    protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
        sbyte[,] a = new sbyte[100, 100];
        sbyte[,] b = new sbyte[100, 100];
        int count = 0;
        XDocument docA = XDocument.Load("dev.xml");
        XDocument docB = XDocument.Load("guj.xml");
         var devanagriKeys = (from d in docA.Descendants("mapping")
                                              select new {
                                                  Key = d.Descendants("itrans").FirstOrDefault().Value,
                                                  Character = d.Descendants("character").FirstOrDefault().Value
        var gujrathiKeys = (from g in docB.Descendants("mapping")
                                              select new {
                                                  Key = g.Descendants("itrans").FirstOrDefault().Value,
                                                  Character = g.Descendants("character").FirstOrDefault().Value
        var crossReference = (from d in devanagriKeys
                              join g in gujrathiKeys on d.Key equals g.Key
                              select new {
                                    Devanagri = d.Character,
                                    Gujrathi = g.Character

this code will take characters from devanagri script and gujrathi script and create a list using itrans as one medium for eg अ in itrans is a while અ in gujarati has same itrans a so a list will be created storing अ and અ because they are having same itrans.

here i need to store this list thing in a session var so that i can use it in the default.asp.. i cant figure that one out properly though.

i had told that i will come back to the for loop of default.aspx, so now in this default.aspx i have to search and replace every text node of devanagri to gujarati and vice versa..

i am also confused because i am using a iis server so i am i supposed to copy all the project files of in the wwwroot folder of inetpub of iis.

i will be thankful if anyone guides me to this!! i am sorry for lots of code..i am stuck badly so i really needed help, if any queries regarding this please feel free to post thanks!!!


  • It sounds like you want to share items in session variables between your ASP page and your .NET .ASPX page. Did I understand that correctly?

    Consider this article: How to Share Session State Between Classic ASP and ASP.NET

    You'd probably be better off converting your .asp to a .NET .aspx. Consider the maintainability of your solution.