I want to record small section of my screen with luajit.
Haven't found any module for that. And there are barely any documentations/tutorials/examples about luajit's ffi on the web aside from http://luajit.org/ext_ffi.html which doesn't provide any examples of using other C libraries.
I have a C code snippet that works native. How would you implement the C code for luajit's ffi?
Luajit example code:
--ffi part
local screen = {}
for y = 1, 100 do
for x = 1, 100 do
local r, g, b = ffi.C.getpixel(x, y)
table.insert(screen, r)
C code snippet:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
int main()
XColor c;
Display *d = XOpenDisplay((char *) NULL);
int x=1920/2; // Pixel x
int y=1080/2; // Pixel y
XImage *image;
image = XGetImage (d, XRootWindow (d, XDefaultScreen (d)), x, y, 1, 1, AllPlanes, XYPixmap);
c.pixel = XGetPixel (image, 0, 0);
XFree (image);
XQueryColor (d, XDefaultColormap(d, XDefaultScreen (d)), &c);
printf("%d %d %d\n", c.red/256, c.green/256, c.blue/256);
return 0;
Basically you only have to copy all the declarations from the headers into the ffi.cdef
section and then call these names through a handle to the library. In principle you can translate the C code one to one, with the exception of taking the address of a variable. However, this is documented in the FFI tutorial you linked (http://luajit.org/ext_ffi_tutorial.html#idioms)
C code Lua code
Functions with outargs int len = x; local len = ffi.new("int[1]", x)
void foo(int *inoutlen); foo(&len); foo(len)
y = len; y = len[0]
Here is your C code in LuaJIT. I didn't copy the definitions for Display
and XImage
because we never access their members and only use pointers to them, so they remain opaque struct
local ffi = assert(require("ffi"))
// Types from various headers
typedef struct _Display Display;
typedef struct _XImage XImage;
typedef struct {
unsigned long pixel;
unsigned short red, green, blue;
char flags; /* do_red, do_green, do_blue */
char pad;
} XColor; // Xlib.h
typedef unsigned long XID; // Xdefs.h
typedef XID Window; // X.h
typedef XID Drawable; // X.h
typedef XID Colormap; // X.h
// Functions from Xlib.h
Display *XOpenDisplay(
char* /* display_name */
int XDefaultScreen(
Display* /* display */
Window XRootWindow(
Display* /* display */,
int /* screen_number */
XImage *XGetImage(
Display* /* display */,
Drawable /* d */,
int /* x */,
int /* y */,
unsigned int /* width */,
unsigned int /* height */,
unsigned long /* plane_mask */,
int /* format */
int XFree(
void* /* data */
int XQueryColor(
Display* /* display */,
Colormap /* colormap */,
XColor* /* def_in_out */
Colormap XDefaultColormap(
Display* /* display */,
int /* screen_number */
// Functions from Xutil.h
unsigned long XGetPixel(
XImage *ximage,
int x, int y);
local X11 = assert(ffi.load("X11"))
local AllPlanes = -1 -- Xlib.h: #define AllPlanes ((unsigned long)~0L)
local XYPixmap = 1 -- X.h: #define XYPixmap 1
local c = ffi.new("XColor[1]")
local d = X11.XOpenDisplay(ffi.NULL)
local x = 1920 / 2
local y = 1080 / 2
local image = X11.XGetImage(d, X11.XRootWindow(d, X11.XDefaultScreen(d)), x, y, 1, 1, AllPlanes, XYPixmap)
c[0].pixel = X11.XGetPixel(image, 0, 0)
X11.XQueryColor(d, X11.XDefaultColormap(d, X11.XDefaultScreen(d)), c)
print(string.format("%d %d %d", c[0].red/256, c[0].green/256, c[0].blue/256))