I installed my private application which makes use of the Desktop Bridge and Dev Express XAF Winforms, from the Windows Store. Then I uninstalled it using powershell
Remove-AppxPackage -Package *jobtalk*
Now when I try to reinstall from the store I get
Cannot compile the generated code. Please inspect the generated code via this exception's SourceCode property. The following errors occurred:
(0, 0): Error generating Win32 resource: Access is denied.
(0, 0): Unable to delete temporary file 'c:\Program Files\WindowsApps\jobtalk.jobtalk_1.0.1.0_neutral__8kpaqbvntb9aj\SBD.JobTalk.Workflow.Win\CSC88B14BFB7D314F00B0D1BB57EFD11.TMP' used for default Win32 resource -- The system cannot find the file specified.
I think I need to install as administrator somehow.
The problem and solution are described at http://blog.delegate.at/
In order to contain app state, the bridge attempts to capture changes the app makes to AppData. All write to the user's AppData folder (e.g., C:\Users\user_name\AppData), including create, delete, and update, are copied on write to a private per-user, per-app location.