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Inclusion vector module conflict c++

I have a problem with the inclusion of the vector module. It seems to there is a conflit with others modules. Here is the structure :

In the simulation.h :

#pragma once

#include <ostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>

#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdlib>
// #include <vector>

#include "File.h"
void afficherResultat(std::vector<Client> sortie);

And the File.h file :

#pragma once

#ifndef FILE
#define FILE

#include <vector>

class File {
    std::vector<Client> l;


And I get 108 errors starting with : C4091 warning and C4430, C2065, C4229 errors... Some people spotlight the order of the inclusions. Any Ideas ?


  • You are defining a macro for an identifier which is part of the standard library:

    #define FILE

    (see for what FILE is).

    Doing so is forbidden and will cause very weird errors.

    Instead use names which are as unique as possible as include guards, e.g. INCLUDE_GUARD_FILE_H.

    If you have an include guard there is also no need for #pragma once which is a non-standard way of solving the double inclusion problem that the include guard is also supposed to prevent.

    Additionally you have not declared Client in File.h. Probably some #include for the header file defining Client is missing.