Is there a way to convert the value of the TM_FILEPATH
variable to a module id?
I would like to create a snippet that resolves the module id:
d:\myrepo\client\store\calc.ts => <amd-module name="store/calc" />
"prefix": "amd-module-name",
"body": [
"/// <amd-module name=\"${TM_FILEPATH/.*client\\\\(.*)\\..*$/$1/}\" />\n"
The snipped above gives me <amd-module name="store\calc" />
but how do I get rid of the back slash?
Try this:
"someName" : {
"prefix": "amd-module-name",
"body": [
"/// <amd-module name=\"${TM_DIRECTORY/(.*client[\\\\\\/])?([^\\/\\\\]*)([\\/\\\\])?/$2${3:+\/}/g}\/$TM_FILENAME_BASE\" />\n",
It is lengthy but fairly powerful (and all those necessary double-escapings!).
This will handle directories with \ or / path separators.
means either a \ or a / (you just need 3 escaping backslashes before a \ in an vscode snippet and two before a /)!!
So [^\\/\\\\]*
means get characters until you hit a slash.
This regex will work with any number of directories under "client
". Thanks in part to the global regex modifier g
d:\myrepo\client\store\subStore\calc.ts => <amd-module name="store/subStore/calc" />
This part is nice: $2${3:+\/}
that means insert matching group 2 and only if there is a matching group 3 add a backslash /. This comes into play accounting for the last directory with the file in it and changing the captured group 3 \ to a / as you want.