I am using Nuxt (with SSR/ PWA/ Vuejs/ Node.js/ Vuex/ Firestore) and would like to have a general idea or have an example for the following:
I have found a number of "solutions" that recommend using environment Variables, but for every solution someone indicates it wont be secure. See:
Perhaps server middleware is the answer? https://blog.lichter.io/posts/sending-emails-through-nuxtjs and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-3RwvWZoaU (@11:30). I just need to add an email to a mail chimp account once entered, seems like a lot of overhead.
Also I see I store my Firestore api key as an environment variable already. Is this secure? When I open chrome dev tools-> sources-> page-> app.js i can see the api key right there (only tested in dev mode)!
You could use either a server middleware or https://github.com/nuxt-community/separate-env-module
Middleware itself wont work because it can be executed on client too, and code that is used in middleware will be available on client
For #2 you can check whether its included in client js sources. There way more other way hacker to get anything e.g. xss, but its general things and not much related to your code.