I have made a class to deserialize stripe json response it works find but on some i am getting error :
Cannot convert null to a value type.
Even though i can see type is always there at the end.
This is the response:
"id": "evt_1Dezu4HJCcuwD0sbvkmV6bEb",
"object": "event",
"api_version": "2018-11-08",
"created": 1544252828,
"data": {
"object": {
"id": "sub_E7ExxxXGawn6cu",
"object": "subscription",
"application_fee_percent": null,
"billing": "charge_automatically",
"billing_cycle_anchor": 1544252827,
"cancel_at_period_end": false,
"canceled_at": null,
"created": 1544252827,
"current_period_end": 1544339227,
"current_period_start": 1544252827,
"customer": "cus_E7xxxQqowY9",
"days_until_due": null,
"default_source": null,
"discount": null,
"ended_at": null,
"items": {
"object": "list",
"data": [
"id": "si_E7EMDEdBnD6wUx",
"object": "subscription_item",
"created": 1544252828,
"metadata": {
"plan": {
"id": "plan_E5lRIPvrkNuRBB",
"object": "plan",
"active": true,
"aggregate_usage": null,
"amount": 0,
"billing_scheme": "per_unit",
"created": 1543997153,
"currency": "usd",
"interval": "day",
"interval_count": 1,
"livemode": false,
"metadata": {
"nickname": "Free Plan",
"product": "prod_E1CBxxxpNa5Lf02d",
"tiers": null,
"tiers_mode": null,
"transform_usage": null,
"trial_period_days": null,
"usage_type": "licensed"
"quantity": 1,
"subscription": "sub_E7xxxXGawn6cu"
"has_more": false,
"total_count": 1,
"url": "/v1/subscription_items?subscription=sub_E7xxxXGawn6cu"
"livemode": false,
"metadata": {
"plan": {
"id": "plan_E5lRIPxxxkNuRBB",
"object": "plan",
"active": true,
"aggregate_usage": null,
"amount": 0,
"billing_scheme": "per_unit",
"created": 1543997153,
"currency": "usd",
"interval": "day",
"interval_count": 1,
"livemode": false,
"metadata": {
"nickname": "Free Plan",
"product": "prod_E1CBZpNa5Lf02d",
"tiers": null,
"tiers_mode": null,
"transform_usage": null,
"trial_period_days": null,
"usage_type": "licensed"
"quantity": 1,
"start": 1544252827,
"status": "active",
"tax_percent": null,
"trial_end": null,
"trial_start": null
"livemode": false,
"pending_webhooks": 1,
"request": {
"id": "req_OJV215KMm",
"idempotency_key": null
"type": "customer.subscription.created"
And class :
public class WebHookObjec
public int created { get; set; }
public bool livemode { get; set; }
public string id { get; set; }
public string @object { get; set; }
public object request { get; set; }
public string type { get; set; }
public int pending_webhooks { get; set; }
public string api_version { get; set; }
public Data data { get; set; }
public class Metadata
public class Plan
public string id { get; set; }
public string @object { get; set; }
public bool active { get; set; }
public object aggregate_usage { get; set; }
public int amount { get; set; }
public string billing_scheme { get; set; }
public int created { get; set; }
public string currency { get; set; }
public string interval { get; set; }
public int interval_count { get; set; }
public bool livemode { get; set; }
public Metadata metadata { get; set; }
public string nickname { get; set; }
public string product { get; set; }
public object tiers { get; set; }
public object tiers_mode { get; set; }
public object transform_usage { get; set; }
public int trial_period_days { get; set; }
public string usage_type { get; set; }
public class Phase
public object application_fee_percent { get; set; }
public object coupon { get; set; }
public int end_date { get; set; }
public List<Plan> plans { get; set; }
public int start_date { get; set; }
public object tax_percent { get; set; }
public bool trial { get; set; }
public object trial_end { get; set; }
public class PreviousAttributes
public string status { get; set; }
public class Object
public string id { get; set; }
public string @object { get; set; }
public string billing { get; set; }
public object canceled_at { get; set; }
public object completed_at { get; set; }
public int created { get; set; }
public object current_phase { get; set; }
public string customer { get; set; }
public object invoice_settings { get; set; }
public bool livemode { get; set; }
public List<Phase> phases { get; set; }
public object released_at { get; set; }
public object released_subscription { get; set; }
public string renewal_behavior { get; set; }
public object renewal_interval { get; set; }
public string revision { get; set; }
public string status { get; set; }
public object subscription { get; set; }
public Plan plan { get; set; }
public int quantity { get; set; }
public int start { get; set; }
public object tax_percent { get; set; }
public int trial_end { get; set; }
public int trial_start { get; set; }
public int amount { get; set; }
public int amount_refunded { get; set; }
public object application { get; set; }
public object application_fee { get; set; }
public string balance_transaction { get; set; }
public bool captured { get; set; }
public string currency { get; set; }
public string description { get; set; }
public object destination { get; set; }
public object dispute { get; set; }
public object failure_code { get; set; }
public object failure_message { get; set; }
public FraudDetails fraud_details { get; set; }
public object invoice { get; set; }
public Metadata metadata { get; set; }
public object on_behalf_of { get; set; }
public object order { get; set; }
public object outcome { get; set; }
public bool paid { get; set; }
public object payment_intent { get; set; }
public object receipt_email { get; set; }
public object receipt_number { get; set; }
public bool refunded { get; set; }
public Refunds refunds { get; set; }
public object review { get; set; }
public object shipping { get; set; }
public Source source { get; set; }
public object source_transfer { get; set; }
public object statement_descriptor { get; set; }
public object transfer_group { get; set; }
public class Data
public Object @object { get; set; }
public PreviousAttributes previous_attributes { get; set; }
public class FraudDetails
public class Refunds
public string @object { get; set; }
public List<object> data { get; set; }
public bool has_more { get; set; }
public int total_count { get; set; }
public string url { get; set; }
public class Metadata2
public class Source
public string id { get; set; }
public string @object { get; set; }
public object address_city { get; set; }
public object address_country { get; set; }
public object address_line1 { get; set; }
public object address_line1_check { get; set; }
public object address_line2 { get; set; }
public object address_state { get; set; }
public object address_zip { get; set; }
public object address_zip_check { get; set; }
public string brand { get; set; }
public string country { get; set; }
public string customer { get; set; }
public string cvc_check { get; set; }
public object dynamic_last4 { get; set; }
public int exp_month { get; set; }
public int exp_year { get; set; }
public string fingerprint { get; set; }
public string funding { get; set; }
public string last4 { get; set; }
public Metadata2 metadata { get; set; }
public string name { get; set; }
public object tokenization_method { get; set; }
After analyzing your json and class objects for json.
You json contains property with name "trial_period_days": null,
has been null and you declare its respective property of type integer public int trial_period_days { get; set; }
in Plan
class object.
So int
is a value type and cannot be cast to null
To get rid from this exception you need to modify your property to either of below.
public object trial_period_days { get; set; }
public int? trial_period_days { get; set; }
And same for your remaining properties inside Object
class for trial_start
and trial_end
Note: Don't use Object
as your custom class name because it already predefined class in .net framework.