When trying the OpenFaaS workshop (https://github.com/openfaas/workshop/blob/master/lab2.md) i stumbled upon a problem with the shell on windows:
I am running OpenFaaS using the Docker Toolbox for Windows and therefore use the Docker Quickstart Terminal as a shell which is based on MINGW64. Now one of the sample functions is implemented the way that you can call faas-cli invoke markdown
and then type in some text. It displays Reading from STDIN - hit (Control + D) to stop.
However, after typing in some Text and pressing Control+D, it is not recognized, but ^D
is printed in the console.
I guess this is some issue with running MINGW64 on Windows, any ideas how to actually send the End-of-Transmission-Character?
Found the answer myself in a different context. On some systems Control+Z has to be used. So in my case Control+Z plus Enter finished the write to STDIN.