I tried to follow Return HashMap in mybatis and use it as ModelAttribute in spring MVC (Option 1) and Mybatis ResultMap is HashMap<String,Object>. I have
@Select("select sources.host as 'key', count(*) total ... group by host")
Map<String, Integer> getSourcesById(@Param("id")String id, @Param("hitDate")Date hitDate);
It returns an error
Error attempting to get column 'key' from result set. Cause: java.sql.SQLException: Invalid value for getInt() - 'NONE' ; SQL []; Invalid value for getInt() - 'NONE'; nested exception is java.sql.SQLException: Invalid value for getInt() - 'NONE'
The query works fine in MySQL and returns
| key | total |
| NONE | 33 |
| twitter.com | 1 |
It's as if it is not using the @MapKey
I tried
List<AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Integer>> getSourcesById(...)
But it gave
nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.executor.ExecutorException: No constructor found in java.util.AbstractMap$SimpleEntry matching [java.lang.String, java.lang.Long]
Also tried this with the same error.
List<AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Long>>
MyBatis 3.4.6, MyBatis-Spring 1.3.2
I had to build my own class, but I don't like it. It's dumb that I have to add so much code for getting a simple key/value pair from the DB.
public class Pair<T1, T2> {
public T1 key;
public T2 value;
public Pair(T1 k, T2 v) {
key = k;
value = v;
public Pair(String k, Long v) {
key = (T1) k;
value = (T2) v;
public T1 getKey() {
return key;
public T2 getValue() {
return value;
List<Pair<String, Long>> getSourcesById(@Param("id")String id, @Param("hitDate")Date hitDate);
<c:forEach items="${sources}" var="s">${s.value},</c:forEach>