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Blue prism doesn't recognize inputs in my WSDL

I have a WSDL created by a BPM tool and it has username, password, and an business specific input. I tried calling that web service from SOAP UI. It prompted me for all the three inputs and I was able to call the WSDL successfully.

In Blue prism when I tried the same, it doesn't recognize my WSDL inputs and outputs. I confirmed it by checking the "Importing web service definitions" screen and by checking the inputs outputs in the "Action" stage.

When I tried creating a web service from the same Blue prism instance and tried calling in the same Blue prism environment, this issue didn't occur. I checked the WSDL of BPM and WSDL of Blue prism and both seems to be the same.

Anybody came across this behavior?


  • The WSDL support in Blue Prism isn't so great with WSDLs generated by certain engines.

    The way to counteract this is to use a utility like SoapUI to generate the sample calls for you and model them within the parameters of the Utility - HTTP Business Object's HTTP Request Action.