Using Microsoft's How to Guide, I have created a database within a word VSTO project. After this, I used another How to Guide to create a dataset from this database.
Now I am trying to get/set the data in the dataset's tables using the following Syntax from this Microsoft Concepts Page:
// This accesses the CustomerID column in the first row of the Customers table.
string customerIDValue = northwindDataSet.Customers[0].CustomerID;
Using this Syntax, my code is as follows:
string employeeName = _SOI_MasterDatabaseDataSet.JobPositionDataTable[0].EmployeeName;
This code gets an error saying that '_SOI_MasterDatebaseDataSet.JobPositionDataTable' is a type, which is not valid in the given context. (Syntax Error)
Here is a screenshot of my Data Sources as well.
This is the first time I've attempted to use databases/datasets. I'm not sure if this is a syntax error or if I've missed something while setting up the dataset in the Dataset Designer.
Thanks in advance
Looking at more Microsoft documentation, I found out I had to initialize the dataSet and dataTable and initialize a tableAdapter to fill the dataTable:
_SOI_MasterDatabaseDataSet SOI_MasterDatabaseDataSet = new _SOI_MasterDatabaseDataSet();
SOI_MasterDatabaseDataSet.JobPositionRow newJobPosition = SOI_MasterDatabaseDataSet.JobPosition.NewJobPositionRow();
_SOI_MasterDatabaseDataSetTableAdapters.JobPositionTableAdapter jobPositionTableAdapter = new _SOI_MasterDatabaseDataSetTableAdapters.JobPositionTableAdapter();
string positionTitle = SOI_MasterDatabaseDataSet.JobPosition[0].PositionTitle;
string employeeName = SOI_MasterDatabaseDataSet.JobPosition[0].EmployeeName;
Here are the additional sources I used: Edit data in datasets, Fill datasets by using TableAdapters