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How to output external MIDI from an AKMusicTrack in AudioKit

I'm wondering what the best way is to have a AKSequencer (actually an AKMusicTrack) output it's MIDI to an external device.

I have gotten it to work, but I feel like there is probably a more efficient way.

The way I've done it:

I've made subclass of AKPolyphonicNode ("MyPolyphonicNode")

I've used this to init a subclass of AKMIDINode ("MyMIDINode"),


init(...) {
        let myPolyphonicNode = MyPolyphonicNode()
        super.init(node: myPolyphonicNode, midiOutputName: "myMIDIOutput")



and setMIDIoutput of the output of the AKMusicTrack to the midiIn of the AKMIDINode subclass:


Then in the MyPolyphonicNode subclass, I've overriden:

override func play(noteNumber: MIDINoteNumber, velocity: MIDIVelocity, frequency: Double) {
    myDelegate.myDelegateFunction(noteNumber:MIDINoteNumber, velocity:MIDIVelocity, channel:myChannel)

And in its delegate:

let midi:AKMIDI //set in the init

enableMIDI(midi.client, name: "midiClient") //also in the init

func myDelegateFunction(noteNumber:MIDINoteNumber, velocity:MIDIVelocity, channel:MIDIChannelNumber) {
            midi.sendEvent(AKMIDIEvent(noteOn: noteNumber, velocity: velocity, channel: channel))

This works, but I am thinking there is probably a way of telling the AKMusicTracks directly to output externally without doing all this?


  • A simpler solution is to use AKMIDICallbackInstrument, although it is the same basic idea. It is easy to set up:

    callbackInst = AKMIDICallbackInstrument()

    You need to provide a callback function which will trigger external MIDI:

    callbackInst.callback = { statusByte, note, velocity in 
        //  NB: in the next AudioKit release, there will be an easier init for AKMIDIStatus: 
        //  let status = AKMIDIStatus(statusByte: statusByte)
        let status = AKMIDIStatus(rawValue: Int(statusByte >> 4))
        switch status {
            case .noteOn:
                midi.sendNoteOnMessage(noteNumber: note, velocity: velocity)
            case .noteOff:
                midi.sendNoteOffMessage(noteNumber: note, velocity: velocity)
                // etc.

    This function will be called whenever events on the AKMusicTrack are played