From the Reddit api, it says it is possible to get the json of a page. I can do this for the front page, but how do I do I get the json for the third page without visiting the second page?
Is it even possible?
I am using php.
Use the last item from the previous page. Abridged/simplified C# example of getting "new items" pages (code that parses the previous page passes lastItem back to the method that gets the next page):
public static string k_baseUrlFormat = "{0}/new/.json?sort=new{1}";
public static string k_moreFormat = "&after={0}";
// [snip]
string more = "";
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( lastItem ) )
more = string.Format( k_moreFormat, lastItem );
string url = string.Format( k_baseUrlFormat, subreddit, more );
lastItem is item id including type ID, that looks like t3_g6a4s. You can use other parameters for different stuff in the same way as w/standard web requests for pages.