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DevExpress XtraReport is running in background even though tab is closed

I have created an XtraReport which has 5 subreports.

This report is quite large which consist of 10000 pages. While the report is being generated if I close the browser's tab the report is still generating in the background whereas if I click the progress bar's cancel button the report generation process is abandoned.

My question is how can I stop the report generation when I close the browser's tab?


  • I have seen how it does in their online demos. In short, you can do this on the window events beforeunload, focus, blur. Code from

    (function() {
        var doWithViewer = function(func) {
            var viewer = window['webDocumentViewer'];
            viewer && func(viewer);
        var stopTimeout;
        window.addEventListener("focus", function() { stopTimeout && clearTimeout(stopTimeout); });
        window.addEventListener("blur", function() {
            stopTimeout && clearTimeout(stopTimeout);
            stopTimeout = setTimeout(function() {
                doWithViewer(function(viewer) {
                    var reportPreview = viewer.GetReportPreview();
                    reportPreview && reportPreview.documentBuilding() && reportPreview.stopBuild();
            }, 3000);
        window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function() {
            doWithViewer(function(viewer) {
                setTimeout(function() { viewer.Close(); }, 1);