I am trying to simulate "jobs" coming into a printer. The jobs have been added to a priority queue based on processing time. I would also like to have another comparison where jobs with a priority of 1 are placed higher than jobs with a priority of 0 despite their processing time.
Here's a snippet of my code
struct Jobs{
int priority;
int processingStatus;
int arrivalTime;
int processingTime;
char jobType;
struct Comp {
bool operator()(const Jobs& a, const Jobs& b) {
return a.processingTime > b.processingTime;
void createJobs(Jobs jobsA[], Jobs jobsB[], Jobs jobsC[], Jobs jobsD[]) {
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
jobsA[i].arrivalTime = 4 + rand() % 3 + i;
jobsA[i].processingTime = 1 + rand() % 4;
jobsA[i].priority = 0;
jobsA[i].jobType = 'A';
jobsD[i].arrivalTime = 25 + rand() % 10 + i ;
jobsD[i].processingTime = 8 + rand() % 4;
jobsD[i].priority = 1;
jobsD[i].jobType = 'D';
Make your comparator order higher priority jobs before those with lower priority:
bool operator()(const Jobs& a, const Jobs& b) {
if (a.priority == b.priority {
return a.processingTime > b.processingTime;
} else {
return a.priority > b.priority;