I tried to make a backup with Postgres 11.1 in pgAdmin4, but it failed. pgadmin displayed a window with
Status: Failed (exit code: 1).
pg_dump:server version: 11.1; pg_dump: 10.5
pg_dump: aborting because of server mismatch
I don't really understand it. Does pgadmin4 not know that I am using 11.1 and not 10.5?
Go to
pgadmin < Preferences < Path < Binary Path
The PostgreSQL Binary Path was set automatically to $DIR/../runtime
I changed the Path to my installed PostgreSQL Version C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\11\bin
Your pgAdmin is using PostgresSQL client v10, but your server is v11.
Since v10 cannot know how to correctly dump a v11 database, it refuses to try.
Use a more recent version of pgAdmin!