I have a flextable
object called html_table
which I want to directly put in a word document, in horizontal layout with narrow margins.
I face 2 problems:
1) The approach suggested in the vignette produces extra pages (one before, one after the table). I think this is a known issue but not clear how to solve it.
2) I would like to have narrow margins and the resulting table on horizontal pages to be automatically fitted to the page. I want this so that I can print the table using as much page as I can. My current approach is to manually open the document, change the layout and select "autofit" on Word.
Here's the code I'm using to produce the document. For illustrative purposes, I will use mtcars
for my table, but the real one has more rows than mtcars
html_table <- regulartable(mtcars)
doc <- read_docx() %>%
# Make it landscape
body_end_section_continuous() %>%
# Add the table
body_add_flextable(value = html_table,
split = TRUE
) %>%
# Write the .docx
print( doc, target = "my_table.docx" )
In Word document, sections are only defined when they stop (I can not explain why it has been made that way but this is how the underlying xml is...). Also a landscape oriented section need a page break if the preceding section is not landscape oriented.
To autofit a flextable, use function autofit
html_table <- regulartable(mtcars) %>%
doc <- read_docx() %>%
body_add_flextable(value = html_table, split = TRUE) %>%
body_end_section_landscape() %>% # a landscape section is ending here
print( target = "my_table.docx" )
If you don't want extra page, you will need a template with a default page orientation as landscape. Also, you would not need any code to manage orientation nor margins.