I am using this code: "https://github.com/LouisFoucard/MC_DCNN/blob/master/.ipynb_checkpoints/MultiChannel_DeepConvNet-checkpoint.ipynb"
When I run the code, I get the error that:
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'dict_values' and 'list'
This error is related to this line of the code:
train = theano.function(inps.values()+[target_values],cost, updates=updates)
I changed this line to:
train = theano.function(inputs=[inps.values(), target_values], outputs=cost, updates=updates)
This time I get the error that:
TypeError: Unknown parameter type:
This seems that Theano.function does not accept Dictionary.values as inputs?
It seems you are trying to run some python 2 code in python 3,
where dict.values
returns a dictionary view object
The solution is quite simple - just wrap your dict.values
in a list
train = theano.function(list(inps.values())+[target_values], cost, updates=updates)