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CLIPS conditional elements not matched but rule activated

I have the below CLIPS script. I am trying to get values of p1, p2, p3 The last rule get-p2-2 should be activated if p2 is unknown and p3 is known.

(defrule main
(assert(fact (read))) ; user enters 1
(assert(p1 unknown))
(assert(p2 unknown))
(assert(p3 unknown))

(defrule get-p1
(fact 1)
(p1 unknown)
(printout t"p1 known"crlf)
(assert (p1 known)))

(defrule get-p2
(fact 1)
(p1 known)
(p2 unknown)
(printout t "p2 known"crlf)
(assert (p2 known))
(assert (fact 2)))

(defrule get-p3
(fact 2)
(p3 unknown)
(printout t"p3 known"crlf)
(assert (p3 known)))

(defrule get-p2-2
(fact 2)
(p2 unknown)
(p3 known)
(printout t "p2 known"crlf)
(assert (p2 known)))

But p2 becomes known in rule get-p2. So the rule get-p2-2 should have never been activated. But it does gets activated and I get ouput

 p1 known
 p2 known
 p3 known
 p2 known ; this should not be here

Why is get-p2-2 activated?


  • You don't retract any of the unknown facts, so p1, p2, and p3 are both known and unknown which allows get-p2-2 to be activated.

    CLIPS> (reset)
    CLIPS> (run)
    p1 known
    p2 known
    p3 known
    p2 known
    CLIPS> (facts)
    f-0     (initial-fact)
    f-1     (fact 1)
    f-2     (p1 unknown)
    f-3     (p2 unknown)
    f-4     (p3 unknown)
    f-5     (p1 known)
    f-6     (p2 known)
    f-7     (fact 2)
    f-8     (p3 known)
    For a total of 9 facts.

    Retract the unknown facts in get-p1, get-p2, and get-p3 and you'll get the results you want.

    (defrule get-p1
      (fact 1)
      ?f <- (p1 unknown)
       (retract ?f)
       (printout t "p1 known" crlf)
       (assert (p1 known)))