I have a problem at binding data to the WPF DataGrid.
There is a class like (simplified):
public ClassToShow
public int ANumber {get; set;}
public List<bool> TheList {get; set;}
and now I need a Datagrid showing these Data. TheList has the same number of elements in each object for the grid.
So there should be
ANumber | TheList[o] | TheList [1] | ...
I tried a lot... at last DataGridTemplateColumn with a Listbox in, but how to set the header then?!?
In real is more like that:
public class ClassToShow
public int row {get; set;}
public List<CheckBoxElement> Cl{get; set;}
public List<TextBoxElement> Tl{get; set;}
public List<string> Steps {get; set;}
with public class CheckBoxElement { public string Name {get; set;} public bool Value {get; set; } }
and public class TextBoxElement { public string Name {get; set;} public int Value {get; set;} }
Then there is a List with an state for each value in Cl and Tl.
As result I need a DataGrid like this: (First row is the Header, second comes from the bool-list the elements to show starts at row three.
| Cl[0].Name | Cl[1].Name |...| Tl[0].Name |...| Step
| Checkbox | Checkbox |...| Checkbox |...|
1 | Checkbox | Checkbox |...| Textbox |...| Combobox
2 | ...
It can be made by a template: make a template for the headline of the datagrid and put the checkboxes (or whatever you need) in there.