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View thumbnails of uploaded images in django admin

I am trying to add thumbnails to list view in django admin.

This is my for my app, i got this far:

from django.contrib import admin
from .models import Image
from django import forms
from django.db import models

class ImageAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin):
    list_display = ("label","tag","order",'Edit','image_img')
    list_editable= ("order",)
    list_filter = ('tag',)
    search_fields = ('tag', 'label')
    ordering = ['-order']
    list_display_links = ('Edit', )
    def Edit(self, obj):
        return "Edit" 
    def image_img(self,obj):
        if obj.pic:
            return '<img src="%s"  height="100px"/>' % obj.pic.url
            return 'No_image'
    image_img.short_description = 'Image'
    image_img.allow_tags = True,ImageAdmin)

this is what i get

My object for picture is called "pic". If I simply add it to list view django returns link with full path. I was looking for template for list view so that I can add |safe filter but I couldn't find it. Any other idea how to achieve it?


  • If you're using Django > 2.0, you can mark the routine as safe using the mark_safe() decorator:

    from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe
    def image_img(self,obj):
        if obj.pic:
            return '<img src="%s"  height="100px"/>' % obj.pic.url
            return 'No_image'

    It can also be used as a function:

    def image_img(self,obj):
        if obj.pic:
            return mark_safe('<img src="%s"  height="100px"/>' % obj.pic.url)
            return 'No_image'

    In older versions of Django, I believe you can just set the allow_tags option to true:

    image_img.allow_tags = True  # Put this after the function definition