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Workflow for using TextMate/Coda with Transmit and Versions

I use TextMate to do my HTMl,PHP,JS/Other languages and CSSEdit to do my CSS.

I want to integrate TextMate with Transmit better because at the moment I work like this:

TextMate: Edit code Transmit: Look for folder and drag to online server Firefox: Refresh page Rinse, Repeat.

It feels very clunky to me and I do the same with CSSEdit (although CSSEdit's live preview means that I only have to upload once) but I would like to be able to, on save, have Transmit upload the edited document to the relevant place on the server (given that linked browsing is enabled).

Does anyone have a certain workflow that they follow or macros enabled in TextMate to do such tasks as they would certainly make my life a lot easier, Coda is also an option instead of TextMate if needed.

Being able to have Versions/Git-Tower auto commit on save would be great too.


  • I recommend @Adam's solution for the uploading part of your question but why are you using Git and Transmit simultaneously? Why not Git for everything?

    My workflow:

    • On my machine I keep a Git repository where I do all the work. The working directory is served by MAMP so that I can test my code before commiting anything.
    • When I'm satisfied I commit my latest changes until I think the branch I'm working on is stable.
    • When I'm ready, I push to the server where a post-commit hook checks out the latest version to what the "pre-prod server".
    • When everything has been tested to death, branches merged and so on I check out manually the repository to the "prod server".

    No need to use an FTP client at any point, everything is done from the editor (TextMate before, Vim now).