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How to apply If, Else condition in `RobotFramework` with `SikuliLibrary` by two image on RIDE?

Example: After clicking on the app icon a login screen(login_screen.png) appear, Sometimes one OK pop up dialog(ok_btn_dialog.png) coming before the login screen, If the the OK dialog appear I want to click on the OK button (ok_btn_dialog.png) then continue with Login screen(login_screen.png) , otherwise it will continue from Login screen(login_screen.png).

How to apply If, Else condition in RobotFramework with SikuliLibrary? by using those two image on RIDE.

One answer here, but it's not exactly answer of my question.


  • There is an Exists keyword that will tell you if an image exists on screen. This results in a true/false response that can be used by the Run Keyword If keyword:

    *** Settings ***
    Library    SikuliLibrary
    *** Test Cases ***
        ${exists}    Exists    ./some_image.png
        Run Keyword If    "${exists}"=="true"    Run True Keyword
        ...    ELSE IF    "${exists}"=="false"   Run False Keyword
        ...    ELSE                              Run Error Keyword   

    This may be implemented as a seperate keyword which will click on the image if exists and otherwise ignores.

    *** Settings ***
    Library    SikuliLibrary
    *** Test Cases ***
        # Check if button exist and retry for 2 seconds returning false.
        Click If Exists    ./ok_btn_dialog.png    ${2}
        Click             ./login_screen.png
    *** Keywords ***
    Click If Exists
        [Arguments]    ${image}    ${timeout}=${0}
        ${exists}    Exists    ${image}    ${timeout}
        Run Keyword If    "${exists}"=="true"    Click  ${image}