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is there a way to duplicate a row?

I want for something that works the opposite way that a COUNT, that's like a inverse GROUP BY (a SPLIT BY?) but that you can work with more freely.

So far I've seen all "commands" are for restrictions or specification, meaning that you can't create a bigger table/set that the one you already have. I am talking about creating some sort of dynamic construction of sets.

Any way to, for instance, create a power set or an "exponential" cross join' (each row joined with size_in_rows copies of himself)? Or some sort of recursion?

An example of what I would need:

I have a table with a couple of fields, each one contains info and a "count" integer value. I need to SELECT __ and send that many "count" copies of the same exact row, to read it one by one with another program outside of the database.


  • Here's an approach for SQL Server: Fiddle Example

    declare @rowToBeCopiedId bigint = 1
    , @count int = 10
    ; with noRowsToInsertCte
        select 1 x
        where @count > 0
        union all
        select x + 1
        from noRowsToInsertCte 
        where @count > x
    insert MyTable (col1, col2)
    select col1, col2
    from MyTable
    cross join noRowsToInsertCte
    where id = @rowToBeCopiedId

    If instead of duplicating records in the database you just want to duplicate the record in the result set, you can do it as below. This example uses a column in the data to say how many times the related record should be repeated, and uses a view to allow you to easily reuse this logic:

    create view vMyTableWithCount as
    with innerCte as 
        select id
        , col1
        , col2
        , cnt
        , 1 i
        from MyTable
        where cnt > 0
        union all
        select id
        , col1
        , col2
        , cnt
        , i + 1
        from innerCte
        where i < cnt
    select *
    from innerCte

    For more context, please see the fiddle example.