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Resolving readEither on ADT

Hello i was wondering if given an Algebraic Data Type how can i resolve the following problem :

u =Data.Text.unpack

 data Numeric=I Int | D Double

 readNumeric::Text->Either String Numeric
 readNumeric text=let str=u text in
                      if '.' `elem` str then 
                       D (readEither str::Either String Double)
                       I (readEither str::Either String Int)

How can i cover both sides of Either given an ADT? Practically 2*2 cases , uniformly?

I was considering using fromRight on each branch ( e.g fromRight (D 0) ) of the pattern-matching (in our case if since there are only 2 cases) but i do not know if it is the best approach . But fromRight returns the inner type..i want to preserve the Either

Any ideas?


  • Isn't this is what you need?

    readNumeric::Text -> Either String Numeric
    readNumeric text=let str = u text in
                          if '.' `elem` str then 
                           fmap D (readEither str::Either String Double)
                           fmap I (readEither str::Either String Int)